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Old 15-08-2022, 03:56 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by Native spirit
A lot to do with how times have changed now. if a girls gets pregnant it is unusual for the father to be around especially young boys.
The family dynamics are gone.
they get to much freedom now a days work is an Alien concept for a lot of them, they rely on the state to support them.
I think much does depend on the background youngsters are given at home, their foundation.
But I've seen many teenagers get lost when I was a teacher at secondary school, not related to parents' standard and income bracket as it happened to the ones with more money just the same.
My kids were very difficult as teenagers too, but I think that's mostly related to the narcissistic stepfather at the time. He did a lot of damage which affected both my children greatly.
But... they had a solid foundation it seems from which they have something to draw on as both have recovered.
Both hold jobs without any problem (always have btw). My son is now a chef in a good restaurant, no education in that field other than experience. He's officially a logistics manager but didn't want to do that work.
Both my kids make good money and have good careers going.

Marriage, over here the registered partnership is very popular among young people. It is basically the same as marriage, offers the exact same advantages but not the disadvantages if for instance one would want a divorce. For the rest it is exactly as official & legal as marriage.

From what I've gathered over the years the reasons of many young people getting lost is them feeling/sensing that the old ways of doing things aren't right. They have come in with a higher vibration. They don't just want to follow ruts and routines just because that was the done thing for generations.
In a sense this trend already started in the 60s btw, it isn't really new.
Just that we are now on the cusp, the edge, of really leaving the old behind. And then there's also the generation (with an overlap with other generations) that also wants the new but doesn't know how the heck to go about it.
No one knows really as this is truly new, the very first time we're in this place.

I do think it will sort itself out, but it will take time. I think the same goes for relationships. We're in quite the chaotic time right now, a transition, and we're all attempting to reinvent how it should be, how it works, and how we want it to go.
We're all fumbling in the dark in that sense when finding this way of the new forms.

In a way the old Pagan way has something going for it: Beltane marriage for a year, children of that marriage are fully accepted as the family tree, inheritance, family name etc. runs via the female line, not the male. After a year you can renew the vows, or not, without a problem.
With that sort of relationship you never take your partner for granted, which I believe is more the dynamic we're headed for.
That would, however, require quite the shift in people's mindsets & emotions for as it has been and still is most probably couldn't handle that form of seemingly loosely, flexible relationships.
We'd have to truly become interdependent which is something that is still quite difficult for many. The relationship would no longer be the same kind of safe haven, you have to be your own safe haven. From there you connect.

It'll be a while before we get there. In the meantime I want a man, hahaha.

Anywho, interesting topic to ponder!
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