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Old 08-08-2022, 11:27 AM
Still_Waters Still_Waters is offline
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Originally Posted by zorkchop

The progress of the psychologies, religions, philosophies, cultures, etc. … all come from the inner revelations various individuals undergo. Without individuals such as the Buddha, Milarepa, Rumi, etc … there would be little understanding of what these worlds are all about

... words and beliefs are severely twisted today by those that control such.

The Sufi Mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan, under whose son I practiced for a few years, was once asked what his religion was. He responded "Sanatana Dharma" and that response puzzled his questioner. Hazrat then added that "Sanatana Dharma" is the Eternal Truth from which all religions, psychologies, religions, etc. all come.

As you duly noted, I too sometimes wonder how far I would have progressed if it had not been for the guidance of individuals such as the Buddha, Milarepa, Rumi (whom you noted and who are among my favorites as well), and other extraordinary beings who manifested in my life.

However, as you also noted, "words and beliefs are severely twisted today by those who control" such writings and teachings. It can be a great challenge to discern truth even with the internet (and often in spite of the internet).

The world has truly been blessed by the presence of these extraordinary beings who have served as noble guides to all of us so that we don't have to "reinvent the proverbial wheel". Without their guidance, I know not what my current understanding of the Reality would have been.

Well said !