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Old 27-07-2022, 07:15 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by JayTruther
All I can say is that the mind pretty much feels like it's attacking me, creating fake scenarios and pretty much putting me down and causing more anxiety and suffering. I understand that ignoring all this is possible, but that's not taking away the fact the mind is actually a bully.
Another perspective is that the mind is a very good servant but a very bad master.

And how do we experience the mind? Just one thought at a time. Your thoughts are telling you a story, creating fake scenarios. The problem is that you are believing these stories and so you suffer with anxiety.

Who would you be without these stories? Who would you be if you stopped believing your thoughts? You might be a person who is at peace with yourself and your life. So a job interview is just a job interview. A wedding is just a wedding. You are simply yourself engaging in different experiences.

So maybe go within and find out why your thoughts are attacking you. The answer to that might explain why you always feel anxious.

And then you might see that thoughts are just thoughts, arising in awareness and then dissolving back where they came from. They have no lasting significance.

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