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Old 09-07-2022, 07:18 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 1,010
Originally Posted by Bambo
Thats very interesting to know Lynn thank you!!
I would love sending my mom some healing but I dont have the first clue how to do it........
It's as simple as breathing, visualizing and intent. The short answer ~ take deep breaths and visualize you are pulling source energy with every breath. Visualize that energy filling you up and your heart chakra getting bigger with every exhale. Focus on the love you have for your mother. When you are buzzing with energy, visualize you sending that energy too her across space and time. You can also visualize her sitting between your hands and you sending energy from your hands to her. Energy follows thought and intention and positive energy (love) is very powerful. That's energy healing in a nutshell. There are other forms like prana healing (from India) that includes color, which change and charge the energy for different conditions. Then there is reiki that uses symbols to direct the energy. But at it's most basic form sending energy, anyone can do with focus (intent) and breathwork to accumulate energy.

Richard Gordon's books on 'Quantum Touch ', what he calls energy work, are available on line and for the price of the book (Amazon), and reading it and practicing the techniques you can do energy healing. I taught the technique to my daughter when she was 8 in about 30 minutes.

If you want to get more indepth in energy raising and bonus info on astral travel, Robert Bruce's book "Astral Dynamics" (also available on Amazon) covers it all. He offers a bit more detail on energy work as he's a clairvoyent and can see energy. He also is quite adapt to astral traveling.

But for a beginner, Richard's books are excellent.

Last edited by Traveler : 10-07-2022 at 01:55 AM.
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