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Old 03-07-2022, 11:40 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by snowyowl
My sticking point here is, if all of my perception is hallucination, how do I realise the Absolute, if not via perception?

Really, how do you suppose you could perceive anything, without some form of perception?

the only thing i can think of, is, I have too much stuff. If I wanna see the floor I'm going to have to get rid of the clutter I've spread all over it. But that will only work if I arbitrarily decide to accept the idea the floor itself isn't more clutter... which it could go either way I suppose...

now if it is more clutter and I don't believe that I've just bought another hallucination. On the other hand if I decide it is more clutter things cold go either of two ways: If it does turn out to be more clutter I've bought myself more work cleaning up another hallucination, and where will that end? But if it isn't more clutter I've bought another hallucination in the form of something i've decided I have to 'clean up'...

apparently, it ends whenever I decide to stop and proclaim it ends... which is different from saying it ends wherever the natural ending is...

In my view, God was serious that this 'veil' thingy keep us deluded... something was said about what is the point of gaining the 'world' if one loses one's immortal soul in the process? So as far as I can tell one simply doesn't get to 'eden' without a lot of pain in the form of heart-wrenching honesty about life... and the loneliness that goes with. despite a lot of people presuming it possible anyway. And this defies the whole point of the love&light attitude sought by so many...

In my estimation the only good idea to get from all this is simply to quit wanting to realize the 'one true answer' and return to the land of the living...
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