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Old 03-06-2022, 10:10 AM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 776
hello FallingLeaves.

I agree with you my friend.

"Like" and "Benefit" are different kettles of fish.--as I recall from childhood daily doses of cod liver oil--and much since.

Life can often seem as being a precarious uncertaiinty with the result that the short term local "certainties"? within which we seem to be relatively safely accustomed and insulated as best we seem able-- physically, emotionally and psychologically,--easily become our bolt holes--but at the same time can also become holes in the sand in which we bury our heads. Not necessarily refusing to see beyond but in that situation not properly capable of doing so. (imo,-and experience)
Added to which a whole industry of endeavour of varying kind has developed dependent upon more or less maintaining this situation.
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