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Old 27-05-2022, 05:32 PM
Lucky 1 Lucky 1 is offline
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Regarding the school shooting in Uvalde Texas

Living in Southern Texas as I do , as everyone can imagine the school shooting in Uvalde Texas a few days ago is on everyone's mind.

One of the slain boys favors one of my grandsons soo much and personally I can't stop crying for these poor people and have pretty much stopped watching coverage of it because its just too much!

But this morning I was comptemplating the spiritual ramification of such an event and a question came to mind and I asked my pendulum this question:

"Will the souls/spirits of the slain children and teachers confront the soul/spirit of the killer (he was killed by law enforcement) in the spiritual realm about what he did"

And not to my surprise I got a BIG positive swing from my pendulum about this question.

So in my mind this begs the question....Is there retribution in the spiritual realm against a soul that's done something really bad????

Or as Karma seems to dictate (providing you believe in such a thing) does lessons/punishment wait to the next lifetime......or as Christians believe, its straight to purgatory for Gods judgment.

Yes I Am a Pirate! 200 years too late....the cannons don't thunder...there's nothing to plunder...I'm an over 40 victim of fate!

Maybe we're all here because we ain't all there????

If you're lucky enough to have been born in're lucky enough!
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