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Old 27-05-2022, 03:09 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 843
Defect Looking for a character.

The ancient science of meditation has taught me many things that I would have never known had I not begun this wonderful journey of discovery through going within and seeking out that hidden divine spirit that had always resided within me without my knowing.

It has taught me the value of sharing our experiences with each other as a way to grow and expand in mental and awareness understanding, I have written something like ten thousand blogs over the past forty eight years of meditating and have shared my experiences with many souls all over this planet.

Meditation has taught me to pass it on all that i have acquired to pass this awareness freely onto others that they too will benefit and I have done so.

I started out as a defect looking for a character and now 48 years on i believe I have found far more than a character.

regards michael.
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