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Old 22-05-2022, 04:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Could someone from the dark side protect you?

I wonder this because some of the experiences I have had it seem as if I am being protected and/or as if I am known, and I can't really tell what is going on, like ever.

To me this make no sense as I have been taught that the dark side is filled with spirits, beings who has some sort of negativity going on and wish to use your fear against you, feed off it and use all sorts of tricks.

I have wondered if I should go somewhere to ask if someone knows what is going on.

I have a wild imagination too and can already think of various stories, wild speculations but when I come down to it I don't know what this is.

In my past life I knew someone not so good always who had a good eye to me, and nobody would touch me.

In this life unfortunately I was young and did not know the first thing about psychopaths and got myself involved with one and paid dearly for that. Could have gotten a lot worse. I was ashamed afterwards, sort of like you fall down in a clumsy way to then get up as soon as you can and go "I'm fine! Nothing to see here!"

If someone is less good and thereby belong or operates in the low levels heavens, during astral or other times, could it be that their "good eye" towards you could protect you even when you are "down there"? Even if they are not aware of it? Even if they don't even want that? Could there still be love, even in very small doses, in the lower levels of existence and does that then give respect, protection?

Have anybody else experienced such things?
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