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Old 25-04-2022, 08:00 AM
Busby Busby is offline
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Originally Posted by NoOne
A common problem lives is how to explain all of this to the great mass of ignoramuses of this world, who may show a sceptical, belittling or dismissive attitude to something that to most of us here, is as real as the blood coursing through our veins and the air filling our lungs with each breath.

That, NoOne, was really a very well written piece. Comprehensive is probably the right word.

I would however be very careful of the 'ingoramuses' bit.

I, after more than 8 decades and have followed all possible paths I end up declaring myself belonging to this group of ignorants. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - which in any way even indicates that there might be some sort of forces (whatever name 'they' may have) which underly everyday lives. I'm not speaking as an atheist here but as a serious seeker wishing to explain the very odd and weird experiences I have had in my life.

If we continue to 'believe' in such things as karma, kundalini, chakras, ghosts, paranormal experiences, in fact the whole range of esoterics without calling upon science to find an explanation then we'll be struggling with the same questions for centuries.

For most of the 8 billion people on this planet life isn't an opportunity but a constant fight. If we assume that there is a reason for all this while people are getting blown up and shot during times of utter destruction then there had better be a jolly good argument for such an existence.

It's time to take a different look on things, boating about on the river is getting us nowhere.

I love to think of the Vietnamese rice farmer up to his knees all of his life in water, living off that which he has sown and keeping his family nourished. He probably knows more about how things really are than any hand waving preacher.

The constantly promoted belief (induced by religions) that we are born to be good and obey (in order to enter heaven) is a tragic error in the concept of the universe's plan and an insult to mankind's intellect.

'A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory'
- Mark Twain.
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