Thread: Universal Blah
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Old 16-03-2022, 07:05 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by Orion_Lion
I have moved on for sure. I was wanting to have some clarity on my twin flame connection. Mysticsl shaman explained it pretty well.

The thing that complicated me moving on was guilt and regret, I felt like I hurt her and the emotions I was feeling f kept me stuck. That evolved over time. Then as I'm moving on my relationship with Jesus grew much stronger. I never asked for any of this, but I got it anyway so it's difficult to understand my spiritual side, most of the time. It's been a long time since I found God, before that I was atheistic, things were chaotic but less confusing being an atheist.

This too shall pass :)
I also work with Jesus at times, but not the religious stuff, but Jesus as the Ascended Master he is.
So I have not found God, as that again reeks of religion which is a system I don't resonate with, but the Divine or Source.
God is incorrect in my view as it implies "male" or masculine and the Divine is omni-everything, also feminine. If nothing else, everything is actual always feminine first.

I'm just telling you this as maybe this view vibes better with you too since you were an atheist.

Officially I'm Roman Catholic, not raised very religiously at all, yet somehow this God, Jesus etc. sinks in. Maybe related to my past lives, maybe just from society this life and being susceptible to this imprinting.
In any case, when I wanted to live my life as a Pagan, a spiritual person, I found it very difficult to let go of these old imprints, Jesus (religious version), God, and all the stories around it.
I had a cross with Jesus that is really beautiful and old, I think it came from my grandparents. I took that down. I refuse to put up imagery like that of Master Jesus.
I don't want to kind of revere/remember him on the cross, nor feel this stuff about our sins and him suffering for that.
What resonates with me is Master Jesus, Ascended Master, the Holy Heart. Carrier of the Christ Light in his lifetime as Jesus, which is very high vibrational light.
Jesus came in with his entire Soul, which normally never happens. Only a small fragment of our Soul incarnates. He could do that and carry that as he was so evolved as a Soul.
The fact he came in with his entire Soul incarnate was also why he was such a wise man and could heal. He did by the way spend many many years of studying and learning in various places with wise man and possibly -likely- wise women. Until he was around 30 if memory serves. It wasn't until that time he took the name Jesus as that was not his original name.

So after a period of feeling torn between letting go of the imprinted & brainwashed religious stuff -even though not raised that way- and the new view I wanted to embrace, I am now completely at peace with it :)
I love the Golden Christlight, when dealing with the higher aspect of that ray it's golden white, I love working with Master Jesus.
But... he's not the only one, plenty of Ascended Masters :)

In any case, just continue on your path. As long as you're in alignment, follow your intuition you will find the right knowledge/wisdom/people at the right time.
It's just a beautiful journey of discovery!

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