Thread: Forgiveness
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Old 05-02-2022, 02:13 AM
tommylama tommylama is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 56
I apologize if I am using too many words, but I think this discussion is crucial and to understand it properly requires a bit of analysis.

The following is taken from a book written by Alice A. Bailey, who was the amanuensis for The Tibetan, who is a Master of Wisdom. I'm assuming that the readers of this forum are familiar with who They are.

There is, therefore, nowhere to be found any basis for separation or any possible point of separation or of essential division. Any sense of separateness is due simply to ignorance and to the fact that certain energies are as yet unable to make adequate impression upon the human consciousness,functioning in time and space. The essential synthesis exists and the end is sure and inevitable; unity is attainable because unity exists and the sense of separateness is simply the Great Illusion.

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey

I know this is a difficult idea to accept, but the problems we face as a humanity are caused by our lack of unity. We see ourselves as separate and distinct individuals, which is the Great Illusion, as opposed to the unified organism which we are in truth. We are all cells in the body of God. It doesn’t matter what religion we believe, we are all part of Him and we have yet to discover that truth collectively.

This discussion is a perfect example of the stronghold which this Great Illusion has on our individual consciousnesses. We argue that love cannot be unconditional because then we put our self at risk of further abuse. This is the Great Illusion. We are ONE. That is the truth. When we separate ourselves from each other, there is no solution to the global problems we face.

If the Masters, Who I am quoting above, do in fact exist, then Their perceptions of the world are worth a closer look. If They don’t exist, and all of the many volumes of information purported to have originated from Them are just fabrications, then I surrender to the Great Illusion or the reality of separateness. But allow me to analyze this idea of the Great Illusion…

There is, therefore, nowhere to be found any basis for separation or any possible point of separation or of essential division.

These are very powerful words. Separation is illusion. The idea that you are you and I am me is a separation. It is not true. The only alternative is that you and I and all other conscious lives are a part of a singular divine organism. I call this organism the body of Christ, but the name is irrelevant. It is a divine conglomerate. We are not drops in this ocean of consciousness, rather we are oceans within this drop. Somehow, we must collectively find a path to embracing this truth. There is no solution to the problems of humanity where the Great Illusion is accepted to be the true reality. On the other hand, when we eliminate the illusion of separateness, the road to Heaven on Earth is clear and unimpeded.

Clearing the obstacles which prevent Heaven on Earth is my basic intention for this discussion. If it is possible to collectively realize the truth of oneness and unity, then it is in everyone’s best interest to work in that direction. The obstacles to this lofty goal are all rooted in the opposite of love. Hate is a strong word which nobody likes to admit to, but the irrefutable fact is that when we do not express absolute and unconditional love to all beings, then we are reserving a little bit of the opposite of love in some cases. The opposite of love is hate. If we do not love all beings absolutely and unconditionally, then we hate some beings in some measure. It might be just the tiniest bit of hatred we reserve for certain individuals, but it is hate nonetheless.

In a world of separation, hatred is par for the course. As separated individuals we live in a dog-eat-dog world where survival of the fittest is the rule. That world of separation is doomed to become annihilated. Walls are built and wars are waged and eventually the technology reaches a level where total destruction of all mankind is inevitable. There is no future in a world of separation. But according to the Master, there is no separation in the true reality. I think His words give us the only hope for a prolonged future. How can we realize this truth?

It is my contention that when we do not forgive unconditionally, we are guilty of hating to some extent. All of the circumstances in our lives are caused by karma. Karma is a reaction to the willful acts of human beings. If a circumstance in your life is that somebody decides to beat you up, I am contending that the only reason this could happen is if you hurt that somebody at some point in the past.

I realize that I’m way out on a limb here with these ideas. I am asking you to accept as fact that you are not an individual entity. The only basis I have for this are some words from a purported Master of Wisdom. I’m also asking you to take responsibility for all of your negative circumstances. This sounds ludicrous on its face. If somebody walks up to me (or my loved ones) on the street and starts beating on me for no apparent reason, how could I possibly be to blame? I’m suggesting that we deserve whatever happens to us, because our actions in the past, including all of our past lifetimes, warrant that kind of balance. If you can get past these two ludicrous suggestions, and accept that you are a cell in the singular body of a divine organism, then in time, when you are able to demonstrate these beliefs in all of your behavior, your consciousness will open up to the glory and love and the realization in your waking brain consciousness of your innate divinity. I am also suggesting that absolute and unconditional forgiveness to all beings will open your heart and speed up the process. I agree with those who say that people who antagonize us are doing “the best they can,” if you will. Very often “the best they can” translates into deplorable and hurtful actions, but more often than not, they were subjected to abuse themselves for part or all of their lives, and they really “know not what they do.” I think whoever in this thread said that Jesus did not forgive Judas is wrong. Jesus knew what had to happen. If Judas did not play his role as the Betrayer, Jesus’ mission to show us the way would have been incomplete. We all face our own crucifixion on this Path where we must forego our own individuality. To become one, we must all die. “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
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