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Old 10-12-2021, 04:00 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 803
Mediumship and mediation unity.

Thank you very much Bob job, for your wise council. I stopped using my mediumship abilities around 30 years ago, because I felt that was getting many pats on the back and being told by elderly ladies what a wonderful man I was, sounds like a dream, but this praise made me feel very uncomfortable and i felt that if I got used to this praise it could make me vain and arrogant and loose any humility I would have, I had just a few years previous began recovering from an alcohol addiction problem which almost killed me, i was giver just three months to live, The physical transfiguration mediumship i was doing was of such a degree that it could take place outside even in sunlight, no red lights were needed, i felt that those who needed red lights and a darkened room were somehow phony. I had visions of going to the USA and demonstrating in theatres there, this scared me, so i chose to just continue with the mediation and work with other recovering addicts, and i therefore ran several hostels and half way houses. this work kept my two feet firmly grounded. I take you point B ob job that maybe now at 76 years young and retired i could start again, as there are so many afraid of death, I too write hundreds of blogs called Soul realization which i publish on my website which is *Delted* website, thanks once again Bob would like to share some other experiences with you.
regards michael.

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 10-12-2021 at 05:57 PM. Reason: you can leave links after 25 posts (Rules under FAQ)
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