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Old 09-12-2021, 10:26 AM
Posts: n/a
QUOTE=Altair - Post #13.
"How are things in the UK, Lorelyen? Do you have to register to be a donor or are you automatically a donor?"

> Yes. It's "presumed consent". However, the relatives of the deceased can veto the consent. Many do.

"It looks like murky waters when they remove organs. People may not be completely gone. Yikes!"

> Absolutely. I enquired why surgeons had to anaesthesise a donor before removing the organs. That rings alarms to me too.

I think it's crazy that I even had to opt out. Just because a body is dead does not mean it belongs to the state to do with it as they please. This is yet more atheism creeping in, dictating to us what the ''standard'' is, what constitutes as ''death'' and what constitutes as ''values''. Little different from a bad religion holding its claws over a population and controlling every facet.

I believe organ donation can be sound, if there is a real connection and if it's a kidney. Otherwise I don't wanna go there, but I understand others may think differently and that's cool.

> Yes. It's up to the individual. I'm not swayed by the hand-wringing, tear-jerking noise-makers who insist it should be ethical, though. It's something I won't touch. But the whole medical world is weird - an insistence on keeping people alive at all costs even when in a vegetative state. (And when it comes to the Elderly Care Industry it costs a lot.).
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