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Old 29-11-2021, 05:49 PM
kundalinikid kundalinikid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 841
I use to think this for a long time. I went back and forth between unrequited love and it being something greater. I tried to push it all away because of the shame I felt over how things transpired, but it continued to stick with me for years and years.

After years of my feelings just not going away I had come to find that my twin knew me before our "first meeting" (online friends). She snuck up on me when I was out somewhere. I never realized this when we were still speaking, and thought it was just a chance first meeting that seemed to go tremendously well with a random person. She never said anything back then because I guess she was embarrassed or she thought I'd be mad? Anyway, after years of praying for it to work out, I finally prayed one day to only know the truth of things. I finally came to learn everything that really transpired. It turned out my strong feelings for what I thought was a random person were already for someone I cared about. So, it was a very confusing situation for me too because I was empathic and picking up on how she was feeling as well. I'm now glad I am out of the dark, and I have a better perspective. However, the truth did not really bring her back into my life. But at least I don't feel like some clinging stalker any longer as I once did.

I think if I had any advice to give someone in this situation is to stick with your gut, and trust your feelings. If a person keeps entering back into your heart space it could be for a very good reason that your rational mind may not know or realize at the moment.
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