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Old 12-11-2021, 11:26 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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EFT & Chakra work combined - Unblocked

I bought this bought book "Unblocked: A Revolutionary Approach to Tapping into Your Chakra Empowerment Energy".

I first came across a workshop day by Larry Burk which is pretty much based on the same principle, the goal being to heal emotions that in the long run have caused (chronic) ailments & illnesses.
It intrigued me tremendously! It offers more than only EFT & Chakras, also dreamwork, expressive writing.
But I wasn't sure. I've invested in things like that before and didn't get what was presented and it wasn't really expensive but for my budget still a lot of money.

Then the book was mentioned, I investigated it and decided to go for that instead!
It should arrive Monday. I can't wait! So curious, and also a bit nervous hihi, to see what comes up, what can be released, and if it indeed will bring alleviation of ailments.
I've done tapping before so I know how powerful that is. But to combine it with the chakras, wow!

Anyone else here who has worked with this book?
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