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Old 08-11-2021, 07:06 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 998
I am not sure. I suppose some who resorted to taking their life because of profound depression might have some period where they are caught in their despair and cannot be reached. While others, move into the light.

I had an experience back in 2014 when Robin Williams passed away. Now, I only know him through his movies, his comedy shows, and appearances on talk shows. But like a lot of people, I felt his loss profoundly. Like I had lost a beloved family member -- a favorite cousin or uncle. I remember feeling this sadness very acutely while driving home one day and through tears and sitting in my driveway, (ugly sobbing actually with lots of snot) I spoke out to him as if he was in my car. I expressed to him my sadness for his suffering and desperation that drove him to take his life. I also wanted him to know how many people mourned his death. I told him how much joy and laughter he brought to the world and that we all miss him terribly. I told him I understood why he took his life and that I'm glad he's no longer suffering and that we were all grateful for the light and laughter he brought us. I was really pouring my heart out - alone in my car. After I got all of this out, I felt better and went inside.

A few weeks later, my daughter came to me and asked me why Robin Williams was in our house! I was very confused. She said she had had a dream that we were talking and all of a sudden Robin showed up in the living room and I was like "Oh hi Robin." The hair on the back of my neck stood up!! Then I remembered a dream that I had had that I was at some kind of conference in a crowded room. We were all standing around and I was talking to a group of people and Robin walks by. We catch each other's eyes and we reach out to each other. He grabs my hand, squeezes it, and flashes me the biggest smile! I don't remember much more than that though. But he appeared quite well and happy.
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