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Old 05-11-2021, 09:40 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
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I think elementals live in a different dimension than ours but are able to easily come to ours. We used to have a very active fae presence when my daughter was younger. I would see these blue or green colored dots zooming around at night when I would go out to take out the trash or to call the cat inside. I've been able to see them in their form too. Usually best in a dimly, slightly darkened room. They appear to me as an energy outline of a human form (head, torso, arms, and legs) with wings. They still occasionally pop in and say hello. One in particular, when she visits she waves at me very vigorously and twirls around. She flies around a bit near the ceiling and then she's gone. I talk to them and tell them it's good to see them. They seem to understand me. I can't hear them at all though.

I believe you need to show the fae you have an affinity for them to welcome them into your home. I have little fairy figurines that I bought when my daughter was 3 and painted them (they were white resin) and displayed them. And we made fairy houses out of those wooden craft birdhouses and set them out among the tulips around the cherry tree in the front of our townhouse. And her walls were decorated with little fairy wallies.

It's long been a custom in places like Ireland to leave out offerings for the fae to stay in their good graces. I think adding whimsy to the home like little fairy doors, houses and figurines must attract them as well.
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