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Old 04-11-2021, 11:55 AM
JoeColo JoeColo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Colorado, U.S.A.
Posts: 135
Did you meet loved ones there who'd passed away? Why did you have NDEs at all and remember, and why so many? If you know. You could probably be in the Guiness Book of World Records, along with the guy struck by lightning seven times, at least once indoors!

What do you mean, "...has undergone many changes since I was there."? Were these changes during the two days, or the time since? (My last question may or may not apply.)

Did you feel like it was your choice to return to Earth each time, or were you told it wasn't your time yet? (I've heard both versions.)

I think one reason why memories of NDEs aren't more common is that the person is unconscious, or in other ways in such a physical state that their brain cannot assimilate what happened.

Were you at some point in between NDEs back in your body and aware enough to know what had happened? If so, when you went back to another NDE, how similar was it to your memory of it? I'm curious about memories when in my usual waking awareness, of other states of existence very different from it. I think there are discussion groups for people who've had NDEs. If I had one and remembered it, I'd want to talk to others with similar experiences, because these are pretty much totally unknown, so unlike ordinary Earthly experiences, there are no "maps" to navigate by.
