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Old 18-10-2021, 12:32 AM
wstein wstein is offline
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First, 'New Age' does not have an exact definition.

In general the New Age practices are borrowed bits of older spiritual systems plucked out without the supporting system. This means many of the practices are 'real' and can have benefits in concept. New Age does not replace the supporting structure with its own. In practice, without a viable frame work, the practices are just disjoint pieces that do not add up to more than superficial/beginner spirituality.

IMO the choice of what to borrow is largely biased on what it most tangible and accessible for beginners. That's a good start, but alone not something of substance.

One of the negative effects of all the above is that people get the false impression they know more than they do. A vocal minority has in the past run out and proclaimed they have it all and proceed to teach others what (little) they know. Those being taught reach roadblocks which these 'teachers'' are ill equipped to help them with.
no sugar coating here, I tell it straight as I see it
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