Thread: Is time real?
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Old 04-10-2021, 03:31 PM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by Greenslade
What I would be mightily impressed by is someone telling me where wrinkles come from if there is no time, and what's with those cute photos of me as a child if there is no time? And if there is no time, how can we become conscious of its passing?

Change. Everything changes: from a child to a wrinkled old man to a withering corpse disintegrating into dust. Change is perceivable through the comparison of "pictures" stored in the memory banks of consciousness or your computer hard drive.

Becoming conscious of change is one thing, measuring the rate of change is another. You can measure the rate of change of the child (i.e. growth) by comparing it to the change of a sapling as it grows into a tree, or by counting the number of sunrises. It's when the consciousness connects the sunrises by counting them the way one threads a string through colored beads that "we" become conscious of "time" passing. Time is the mind-made string connecting the beads. The beads are material facts. The string is not.

Wow, this is real meditation. I need a drink, and someone needs to pay for it. Nothing is free.
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