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Old 02-09-2021, 01:08 PM
one-light one-light is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: England, UK - Up North
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We took my 87 yr old neighbour food shopping today me and wife - had a laugh... she was struggling at one point a few years ago, and I said to her 'keep your mind strong' because one day you'll take it with you - it goes with your spirit, and the smile came back on her face.

She is strong my neighbour - never seen her get a cold in 14 years that ive known her 'strong mind' and so the immune system imo - still has her flu jab as is its recommended to her... So when I was taking my mask off a few weeks ago momentarily as restrictions here eased in big shops - she said to my wife 'look at him he's got no mask on' wife said doesn't have to now.

Well today, sharing here with you lovely people, maybe a light - I did my first big full shop unmasked as it felt more comfortable doing this as more get unmasked, i'd say 20% - but its a start - because now majority are jabbed up we should try get more normality back.

If we don't then the younger generation decades down the line will say 'how did this happen' after the jabs were given, people stayed masked up? And elders then might say this is how it is.... and they may say why didn't you put up a fight.

So the target here and for many worldwide is Christmas - get to that point here, and there's going to be some parties going on I expect - but we have to get there first in good shape as a unit in the UK.

So 'if' we can do this, one country or even one town, gets to New Year in good shape 'it shines a bright light' - when the rest of the world looks on, and says how did they do that....... We will see, nowhere near that point yet 'day by day' - we see what transpires...

Ive revamped my website anyone here interested in looking - refresh the home page if someone here has looked in the last day or two - have a good day/evening everybody.

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...
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