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Old 30-08-2021, 11:14 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
No theists allowed in....

I was tempted to write, " no theists aloud in" but decided against it..... not wanting my grammar corrected...

Those not familiar with Finnegans Wake (note the lack of an apostrophe) would probably not quite get what little joke there is.

Samuel Beckett, when asked what Finnegans Wake was sbout said that it wasn't about anything, but was the thing itself.

James Joyce wrote the book over a period of about 15 years. With his so poor eyes he scribbled late into each night. His long suffering wife Nora would hear him chuckling to himself and often chastised him in daylight hours, asking him why he could'nt just write something that others could simple read and understand. I think she had her eye on possible royalties. But not understanding has a fine pedigree, including my master Saichi, who once exclaimed:- "Not knowing why, not knowing why! That is the namu-amida-butsu! Not knowing why!"

Meister Eckhart had the same idea, with his "Love has no why". Once we think we understand, or even make the attempt to understand, we inevitably begin to "calculate".

Anyway, here are a couple of lines from Finnegans Wake for those who might like that sort of thing:-

"Let us leave theories there and return to here's hear"


"The Gracehoper was always jigging ajog, hoppy on akkant of his joyicity."
When a scholar is born they forget the nembutsu
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