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Old 24-08-2021, 11:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Personally I wouldn't change anything, it happened, it's okay.
Originally Posted by Lynn
There are things that I would like to go back in time and change but then too I would not be whom I am now.
That, exactly. If anyone feels their past is not who they are anymore, then anyone can do a little work on self in the present, to not manifest again the same things in the future. Actually, when you observe people, you can easily see that the ones that can't let their eyes off the past are afraid of the future being set in stone. When people can't look away from the future, it's because to them it's gonna be all doom and gloom while the past was glorious. Neither past nor future are refuges.

When people get there, they also realize that things went the way they did, and that's what brought them to "make things better". Thus, changing the past is no longer a necessity, since one also realizes that the future is not set in stone. Their past becomes the teacher of their future, and they merge to form their present.

It's just a little work.
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