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Old 11-05-2011, 01:58 PM
Posts: n/a
"Double binds are often utilized as a form of control without open coercion - the use of confusion makes them difficult to respond to or resist."

"Unlike the usual no-win situation, the victim has difficulty defining the exact nature of the paradoxical situation in which he or she is."
A double bind can make it seem that good = evil,
And without accepting good over evil, you are defenseless against the secret coercion of a double bind.

Since good over evil avoids contradictions such as good = evil.
Following your conscious involves using reason (being logical).
And logic is objective (not subjective) by definition.

Originally Posted by Psychotheosophy
"But we believe that it is good that doctors try to subdue the body to defeat illness and death.
Even when it seems that the they can not be defeated." long as it is reasonable.
For example, I apply the Catholic Church's logic regarding euthanasia.
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