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Old 20-06-2021, 08:22 AM
Altair Altair is offline
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Yes, find out what works best for you. But overall, animal products are good for our brain, organs, bones, skin etc. It is much harder to get your requirements from plant products. The protein in animal food is easier to get (no need for combining heavy carb meals to also get protein). Then there is of course B12, D, zinc, calcium, cholesterol and iron. Vegan kids are known to break their bones with greater ease ((lack of calcium)). Young women can lose period when going vegan for years. It's not a rare phenomenon. Depression is also commonly cited among ex-vegans ((lack of cholesterol?)). Cholesterol is necessary for the brain, and iron from meat is superior to iron from plants. B12 is also essential, whilst calcium keeps the bones strong.

The initial ''joy'' people are describing is something that returns in every new diet (or indeed, every new thing people do, that they feel strong about). This is mental euphoria, you feel the same when you go on a new (spiritual) path. You feel your ego is in control. That feeling fades away again after a while, but over time (years, sometimes decades) the body will respond to the lack of something and then it might be too late. Not here to scaremonger, but if you don't eat any animal food than it's worthwhile to be careful and indeed over-examine every little meal you buy or prepare. ''I can continue to live, as a vegan.'' =/= ''I can thrive, as a vegan.''
~ verus nullus, omnis licitus
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