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Old 20-05-2021, 08:42 AM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by PureEvil760
Yes and the symbol, the religions, the beliefs have preceded Jesus himself.

It's a shame that so many believe but don't actually follow.

Like how they say 'Jesus died for our sins.' This makes no sense to me, who said it first? It couldn't have been Jesus because he was gone right? So why latch onto something said by some random person.. Also Jesus didn't even die, he ascended.

Yes, the Christ is a solar deity, hence, a lot of the symbolism around him relates to the sun. His 12 disciples are the 12 signs of the zodiac, he has the crown of thorns and the cross itself is a Sun symbol.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter though, belief in these religious icons and symbols is what gives them power, they act as a conduit for the energy of the believer and focus it accordingly.

Technically, Jesus did die and was the resurrected, before his ascension. That is also a solar myth btw, because the sun dies around december 22, stays dead for 3 days, then on December 25 th it is resurrected, corresponding to the length of day, which becomes ever shorter, then is unchanged for 3 days and then starts lengthening again. Many cultures have used this death and resurrection motif, usually inspired by the behaviour of the Sun.
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