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Old 19-05-2021, 05:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Let us continue with the thread.

In this post i want to discuss a somewhat different issue. I am sure many members here would be aware of it. It is Anahat Naad.

It is a faint sound which many practitioners experience during meditation. It seems like coming from the right ear but it does not. Ears do not hear it. it only resonates in the mind and mostly in the right half of the mind.

As long time has been passed so i do not remember correctly now but i experienced this sometime around when i get my first vision in closed eyes. Perhaps it started sometime before the vision. I did not know what it was but came to know about it some years later when i got access to the internet.

The term anahat naad means unstruck sound in hindi and sanskrit. As we know that science says that a sound can be produced only when two objects would collide with each other but this sound is produced without any collusion. Not only that, it is everywhere and eternal.

Not only in Hinduism but this concept of anahat naad is found in Sikhism an Islam too. Sikhism calls it Ek Onkar while Sufism calls it as Nida-a-Asmani( sound of heaven) or Kalam-i-qadim (the ancient sound). I have once read about in some Christian website too but i do not remember it now.
In Islam it is Sunnat( such practices of prophet Muhammad which should be followed by all Muslims) to sleep always on the right side. Sleeping in this way this sound can be heard more clearly. This is actually true.

This sound never becomes loud but remains a faint one always. It sounds like humming or buzzing what one hear standing below HT electric lines. In chakra ontology, this sound is associated with heart chakra. That is why some schools calls it Anahat chakra too. Heart Chakra is placed just above the three lower physical chakras and the gateway for upper spiritual chakras which means that meaningful journey through chakras starts from the heart chakra instead of muladhar. Entering this Chakra opens the door for spiritual experiences.

The beauty about this anahat naad is that it never stops and never leaves either, whether one continues meditating further or not. Thus, besides breath
and the repetition of the mantras, it provides the third alternative for concentration. One can easily focus on this but that needs a quiet ambience because this sound can be lost easily in the noise. Some scholars considers this sound as the God or the ultimate aim for meditation. But, it is difficult for me to consider it as a truth. However, if one hear it, then it is certain that he/she is on the right path and making progress too.

Contrary to what is generally understood that there is vacuum between planets and stars, these is absolutely no vacuum in the universe. Every point in the space is filled by CMBR( cosmic microwave background radiation).

And, we also know that according to Quantum physics, everything is made of waves so maybe our cosmos is entirely made of this Anahad naad. I do not know.

with love,
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