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Old 01-05-2021, 06:31 PM
briam briam is offline
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Original Guide

i was a sickly child when i was younger i suffered from unknown problems no doctor could find out what i was suffering from apart from lack of iron in my body i was 12year old which was called a secondary modern school in those days for a year or two from that age id feel queezy or sickly like a feelings of non existence to feel better id try to stay were there was a lot of fresh air one school session i sat by a window the sun was shining
but it was not hot or even warm that day i wanted to open the window but the teacher would not let me open the window a short time into the class period i started feeling sick and faint i tried to get to the school classroom door as i could feel myself drifting into unconsciouness i was fighting it at the same time
but it was no use so i surrendered and thought this is it everything went totally black i thought id died then all of a sudden as if like magic this red indian chief appeared before me face only screaming at me
i could not understand what he was saying but his eyes were bulging and glaring at me all of a sudden i woke to the real world the school kids were laughing at me the teacher looked confused and
was talking to me but i could not hear him at first when i became fully conscious i asked the teacher what had gone on and why the school kids were laughing at me, he paused and said nothing
at first he must have thought i was pretending to get out of class. i
said to him look i dont remember anything between the period of time you saw me acting that way i was up until now i was not lucid, he said brian you were talking in slow motion and moving very very slowly
i was sent to the nurse but she could find nothing wrong with me. this was not the first time i saw a guide or angel the last time was when i was nearly four years old

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 28-05-2021 at 01:46 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes
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