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Old 09-05-2011, 11:49 PM
earthwanderess earthwanderess is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 55
Another way to journey is with the the use of a drum or rattle to shift into an altered state. The consistent sound being repeated pulls a person into deeper levels of alpha and theta where the altered state of journeying occurs.

It can not be expressed how important it is to be specific when asking for assistance since spirit does not always understand what we mean. You can definitely ask questions when you in a journey to get more information.

A few other thing that are very important. Do not forget to say thank you to any spirit information you receive. Do not forget to LEAVE! Retrace your steps as best you can remember and come out of the cave (or wherever you went in) when you are done with a journey. Look down at your feet and the area around you to make sure you are fully out of the journey. If not you can get headaches, feel spacey and unbalanced,etc.

You can go into a journey to find animal guides and spirit guides too. Just pose the purpose of your journey... " I am on this journey to find my spirit animal guide." Then ask the animals you see if it is your guide. I was taught that when you see/sense a guide 3-4 times it is most likely your guide if you do not get a "yes." You can journey again at a later time and ask that animal again, then you can get to know the 'gifts' this animal can bring into your life,etc.

Journeying is definitely amazing and fun!
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