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Old 22-04-2021, 02:43 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Past Pluto in the vastness of space and time
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As we move forwards it seems that there are many steps backwards we face over again and again.

Vaccines have started to roll out and while I am on the fence about getting one, my Son has had his done and so wants me done. He is Autism Spectrum so he got moved up the list. I am in the age group that is next to come to the line.

Where I live we have no in door dinning open and we are having limited incoming from out of town. Yet get this you can still FLY in. Hotels can not book out of town guests (loop hole) residents of here book for their family.

Our numbers are going in the wrong direction again but the World too seems to be in a battle of its own with other countries so worse off.

Where is it all going to end ? This is where I am at now where is the end. Will a shot in the arm of those countries that can get it done going to be enough ?

I am not one for doom and gloom as that serves nothing, I am one for hope and for things moving forwards. Yet the test it seems will be with us for a time longer.

If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.
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