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Old 10-04-2021, 08:29 PM
Kaliope Kaliope is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 14
“Seeing”, sensing auras?

I have always just gone with the flow of my gifts and never explored them much, But now I would like to know more about them so I can get a better grasp on knowing what I am doing and learning how to best utilize my gifts.
Since my start I have always strongly identified With tapping into energy and seem to have a natural basic understanding of the chakra system and how it works. I don’t even know how to explain what I’m trying to say, because I would like to be able to say i see energy, but it is not aura in my understanding of the colorful bits.
So I tend to think I don’t see auras. So I guess the better word is sense? I can look at something and tell when the energy is off. Like something is just not right there. Whether it’s a plant or a person or an empty space I just sense that something is not right about it. I have gotten into exploring channeling and when I watch the shows, I seem to know the exact second the channel comes through. I just know.
The one gift I have that I am absolutely confident in is my Claire cognizance, So I don’t know if it’s part of that. I know when I first started out and my friend had psychic talents we were trying to develop, just in talking to her I could tell whether she was talking from her knowledge, interpreting information she was getting, or whether she was just straight out speaking the information received.
I guess different energetic signatures? And I seem to be able to hone in on those changes. I would like to know where I could go to learn more about this gift I have. Thank you
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