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Old 08-03-2006, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanx Silver Swan,
I always put up protection etc....{white light plus for extra added protection i also put a transparent golden dome around me, } i do this for me and my children.My daughter is very tuned to spirit, although she is going through a quiet time ryt now, i have been told she will use her gift in time, as she is only 8years old, she as predicted things since age 4yrs old, which have all come to pass, she is very talented in this area, plus i have been told by clairyvoyants that she will be known world wide for her abilities.
When i was a child i saw spirit myself, only my mum put this down to a vivid imagination and nyt mares, so as i was young i dismissed this, it wasnt till i got older, and more so over this last year, i have questioned what i saw , my b/f i met him through my daughter, as i was getting few experiences at the time, but i was concearned about my daughter, we got talking and he has helped explain quite abit to me, he is a Spiritual Healer,he also said to me, when a time comes when somebody is ready to develop, a Spiritual Teacher will come to them, he told me we have not met by chance, and he has come into my life as not only a b/f, but as me and my daughters teacher on a spiritual level.
As for the development circle, i dnt know now were to find another, as this man as now cancelled on me twice, as he has now got into television, {MOST HAUNTED} he is called Billy Roberts, he is soposed to be one of the best, but he is very busy with theatre work now, and his new job in t.v. i hope i find some where soon though as things are getting more and more happening.
Nice to meet you Silver Swan,.thanx for ure advice.

Last edited by bodylisious32 : 08-03-2006 at 08:39 PM.