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Old 09-05-2011, 02:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Greenslade
The world is flat.
No it's not, it's round.
It's solid ground.
No it's not, it's made up of atoms with lots of space between it. Take out the space between every atom in or on the planet and you end up with something the size of a sugar cube.
Nope, matter is energy and has no substance after all.

The Truth is a limit to what you believe. An ultimate. Some people need limits and ultimates. Like believing the earth is flat because they can't (or won't) see any further than their own noses. Some persuade others they know what it is, but do they really? Or are they simply indulging in their ego? Do they want others to believe they know what the Truth is because it gives them some kind of power?

Can there be such a thing as the Absolute Truth in eternity? Absolute implies an ending of some kind, again a limit. If eternity has no limits then can Truth have a limit? We continually expand what the Truth is into that eternity, it becomes never ending like a quest that will never be done.

If we are One as so many keep saying in here, then is decrying someone else's truth akin to masochism? If we are One, then everyone else's truth is our Truth too.

Oooohhh, good stuff here. I agree, it is a never ending quest. Isn't that glorious!

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