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Old 31-03-2021, 07:36 AM
Andromedan2000 Andromedan2000 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 10
Originally Posted by angel-of-light
I had a dream I dream that I am a warlock, I had those clothes like earl I looked like royalty, I had this magical ring with a ruby in it the ring had some sigils on it like magical sigils I remember I stood on
the sidewalk and then a truck was about coming out of nowhere trying to run me over then out of nowhere an old witch appeared and she saved me by pulling me away from the truck,

that felt as if I know that witch for so long as eternity, like she is an old mentor of mine. She was short in size and height, probably no more than 1.50-1.60 m,

after she saved me, she smiles, and I remember right before the dream was done, I saw myself wearing this magical ruby ring. The ruby was glowing with a red light aura as energy coming out of it that I channel them then Dream ended, anyone can please help me decipher it please thank you in advance,

I want to note after I waked from this dream, I felt invigorated with energy of vitality felt strong with power both mentally and physically.

Hello Angel-of-light.

I don't know much about dreams, but I think it could be your past/future life in another where and when/world. (I believe in other worlds)

Or it could be just a dreaming, something your mind made it.

I said as much as I know.

I hope you find better answers.

Just Love and peace.
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