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Old 17-03-2021, 10:45 AM
Mak6831 Mak6831 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 26
I went to shopping today with my mum, and I noticed that I cannot know whether other people exist. Ofcourse, I can see them and notice their movements and speech, but I cannot absolutely know their own existence. And If i cannot know their existence then whats to say i exist? when noticing this, I was shifted into a state of presence, not very strong but there was a slight dissolving of the separate sense of self. I also noticed today that when i observe a particular belief arising in the now for what it is - an illusory pseudo reality rather than something objectively real - I feel like ive raised my vibration. believing the thought feels 'lower', not in a bad way, the absence of the belief is more truthful and 'Higher'.
This all came about when i was not focusing on the 'I am' it just naturally arised without my doing..
Does this make any sense to anyone? I would love to hear your thoughts
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