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Old 14-03-2021, 10:18 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 987
Why would it not be possible to learn from a higher realm? I get that we need to conquer certain lessons (for example, being humble) however, once we have secured those lessons why can we not continue to learn from a happier existence in general (I get that it is possible to be happy here; however, overall this is a pretty low frequency place compared to what could be).

I find the human race in general to be exasperating. I don't think it's all due to ego. Most people don't want to change, they are happy to be drones. Try to change their mind and you end up just arguing with them. What's the point? There's better ways to spend ones energy that a useless argument. I'll throw things out there when I can, but mostly I let people be. I figure people change when they are ready to. I know there's plenty I don't know and I love to learn but coming back to this realm doesn't hold any appeal for me what so ever.
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