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Old 26-02-2021, 04:30 PM
Lucky 1 Lucky 1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Debrah

A deeper compassion arises that forever frees us from the delusion that we can ever benefit from harming or using others. Our veganism is no long “veganism.” It is our true nature spontaneously expressing as inclusiveness and kindness for all living beings. We are simply living naturally, and our greatest joy is contributing to the happiness of others.

This is anthropomorphizing at its worst!

Every living thing on this planet is an essential part of the sacred "Circle of Life".

Nothing can live without eating something else that is alive!

That is literally "The Way of life" on this planet and to suggest otherwise is *deleted*!

And humans as an omnivorous hunting species are not just part of that circle of life but are as beholden to it as any other living thing that exists.

We hunt and eat the plants and day we die and then our bodies literally fertilize the soil that grows the plants that begins the food chain.

That is the way of life on this planet and all the anthropomorphizing in the world does not change that in the slightest.
Yes I Am a Pirate! 200 years too late....the cannons don't thunder...there's nothing to plunder...I'm an over 40 victim of fate!

Maybe we're all here because we ain't all there????

If you're lucky enough to have been born in're lucky enough!

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 26-02-2021 at 10:38 PM. Reason: Rude and opinion
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