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Old 10-02-2021, 01:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Astral children?

I have searched on the topic of astral children on the Internet, but it is hard to find anything solid.

Only on another forum I found members describing their personal experience(s), but other than that I have difficulty finding out more. Maybe I am asking too much? Can anyone here help me?

I find the idea of astral babies/children confusing. What are they, really?

I have assumed that we are spirits made by God and can't make life of our own, if the astral children aren't made of God, then we made them, for "real"? Then what are they, then? How can this happen?

Can 2 human astral travelers make this kind of astral child? Can let's say a ghost or spirit or good or bad entity make one with a real life person's astral's body?

In short who does/makes these astral children?

I have notice a child I might think is an astral child and it has grown rapidly, not earth time. Years ago since I last interact with it in my dreams. By the quick time it grew up it must be a grown up a long time ago.

As my mind back then could not phantom astral traveling and astral sex and so forth it was hard to make logic out of it. I thought it was dreams or imagination or something real coming through during meditative state of mind. I thought it was all innocent, that it was not something that was really going on.

If I think back there was only one time when my period was so late, 38 days, instead of the normal, it would then jump back to normal. I had pregnancy symptoms, but was not pregnant. It was during this time I had a dream where the man who I had seen before help me deliver a baby. I thought it was because of what I was going through in real life at the time, that this was the reason behind the dream. This man was by then familiar to me. He would later appear with the baby, child and this is how I could see it grew up so fast. One time the man was sad and told me in a dream that this was not real but how he wish it was. When he once appeared I told him to go away. There had been one time, before the dream of giving birth to the baby, that I thought was foreplay, but we were both standing up, close to each other. When I have later read of astral sex it can be compared to that kind of energy exchange and those kind of strong chemistry etc. When it happened I did not know this. What ever did happen it happened willingly from both parties.

If I should dare to take a guess it is that this was a normal man, not an angel, not a demon, not a ghost of any kind. Before the possible energy exchange I got used to him being now and then in my dreams, but then it would be all innocent, we would walk, we would swim, we would do other things. If just our eyes met the chemistry was crazy, just a crazy pull towards one another, that went without words, we had not yet then begun to talk or hang out. If he was a normal man I suppose then he is or was alive somewhere when all this took place. The last I saw of him was me telling him to go away. I think at the time I remembered who I really was and that I was in a relationship in real life, on this earth. He would try maybe 2-3 times to make contact with me, any type of contact, and I would tell him you have to go away. His eyes were so special. I did not want to fall in love with him. I think I was afraid of that.

The child has run away and soon an adult energy either of him or an "aunt" will come to fetch it, it has even been felt into my reality. I feel the "aunt" is related to the man.

I have heard the child call me mother twice. It is the only voice I have heard in my dream, meditative state and awaken state. It has alert me.

I am still unsure what to think, wish for more information on astral children. If anyone knows anything please share or send me a private message.

Last edited by asearcher : 11-02-2021 at 06:10 AM.
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