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Old 09-02-2021, 10:44 PM
AnotherBob AnotherBob is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 279
"The only place evil exists is in your own thought fabrication and interpretation of value as an individual. Good and evil are simply differences in held values inherent within different beings. An individual may place judgement on something or someone else as being evil in its nature, only because its nature does not adhere to or exist in appliance with their own value structure. When another being behaves in a way compliant with your own value structure then they are deemed as being ‘good’.

To understand the nature of what is perceived as hell, as a place, and the nature of what demons are, one must adopt a broader perspective. Allow yourself to sit yourself above a mountain top looking down upon the great many swarms of life and circumstances that span the land below. This allows a more unbiased perspective of not actually being ‘submerged’ within whatever it is you’re trying to understand.

Firstly, contemplate the fabric of the spirit world. It is a multi-verse of thought; a sensually founded and cohesive living matrix. The very substance and fabric of it melds and bends to your interaction within it. Everything is alive; the matrix that forms your surroundings and manifests image structures to support you, it sings from whatever song sheet you currently have within your soul. If your soul is full of negativity, then the song sung by the living matrix will reflect that back to you for you to experience what you are. So too if your soul projects peace and harmony the living matrix will reflect this back to you in order for you to see that.

What state of experience and sensation of spirit you have whilst within the spirit world will depend on how you vibrate as an energy being. Because that is what you are, a being of energy. You can only gain access to particular states, or places, if you so wish to call them that, if you resonate at a frequency of energy that state is placed upon. If you want to travel to a place in the spirit world where you are completely surrounded by beautiful angelic tree formations, or forests, then you have to resonate at a state of appreciation and love for trees to such an extent you will gain access there. If, for example, you have no regard for the wellbeing of trees and could care less about them and their ancestry, you will never gain access to specific places in the spirit world where trees exist within vast paradise communities and speak to one another like humans do.

Hell then, might be considered a place, for there is a ‘place’ for all beings and all things in the spirit world. No-thing is ever denied access to the spirit world. So then, those of hell-ish standing, who resonate an energy of great negativity, hate, anger and cruelty have a ‘place’ of their own in the spirit world. In fact, the spirit world is so vast, everyone has enough ‘space’ to have their own private universe. This is not to then say, all ‘bad’ souls are sent to this one place, or that place. It does not work that way. It is about the law of attraction and proximity.

The fact of you or someone else encountering visual and sensory environments portraying hell-like characteristics simply means you have attuned your human consciousness persona to a particular density, through your own memory retention and interactivity, and thus encountered, not a place of hell, but an expression of detachment from your true Self; your spirit. The observer that you were during such experience was not your spirit, it was observed and experienced through your human persona and had not reconnected to its original source. What you encountered was an experience of a particular vibration, interpreted and interacted with through the instrument of your human persona and its many fears, belief systems and learned formats of interpretation. This is to say, you as a human, interpret such vibrational interactions as ‘places’ because that is how your human thought processes work and relate to it through logical analysis. This is why I have previously stated the common human perspective can only penetrate so far into the spirit world when attempting to define it. Human beings have this tendency to pigeon hole everything into boxes; this place and that place; this is good and this is bad; this is heaven and this is hell. If you are thinking in this format then know you are still experiencing Self from within human persona, and thus subject to its many influences."

Spirit Guide Sparrow
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