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Old 02-02-2021, 09:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Polaris – Big Dipper – World Pole – Axis Mundi (and how every aspect and symbol ties into that) Worldview … where stillness and movement come together, time and timelessness etc. etc. etc.

Again my worldview below. I love this picture below.
I sit or stand at Axis Mundi.Or I could say I
stand at the center of the Universe.I can see the swastika in it.etc. etc.
Though I would turn 180 degrees since we almost always begin
facing West, where the Thunderbird lives and comes from.
So I guess this is how I understand Non-duality.
Yet it looks like I am alone, I assure you this represent ALL
to me. Even camels. LOL.
So i can see how the swastika represent everything.

I probably should add that the top word in the pic. is:
Wakan Tanka = Great Mystery Spirit that is in ALL.(There is ONE)

Tunkashila = Grandfather Spirits of the up direction or sky and they wear a huge Blue Robe.(We say there are 101 of these High Helpers)
101 High Helpers of Wakan Tanka in each direction W,N,E,S,.

Then Unci Maka- Grandmother the Earth below also 101 High Helper Spirits.
606 total High Helpers Spirits.
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