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Old 28-01-2021, 06:56 AM
Johnathanrs Johnathanrs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by Baraka ryoba
i watched different movies which show how people travel from time time is there any truth on it

Time travel to the future has already been proven scientifically if that is what you are asking.

If you are looking for a spiritual answer, then yes time travel is equally possible with the body. Time is nothing more than speed, the speed that we rotate around the sun, how fast our galaxy is moving across the universe, and so on. Speed compounds a force known as energy. This is the axiom of truth to go off of. Everything is energy including time. How fast a universe or dimension is moving at, the speed or velocity that it is vibrating at, is actually used as a benchmark for what reality you are traveling to, as consciousness is just downloaded from one vessel to another. When you meet someone who seems high vibrational, and you are in a low vibrational reality, their greater selfs, or guides for their egos, are usually time travelers who are helping ascend a reality or universe to some new quantum possibility. Sort of a way to evolve. At the highest of levels, you can actually jump from reality to reality, universe to universe, or even into great planes such as to the source of creation itself, but to do so, you would need complete control of your chakra system, which would serve as a controller, but that is a story for another time.

I hope I helped.
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