Thread: Stress
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Old 26-01-2021, 03:56 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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Originally Posted by BigJohn
If a person can feel 'energy', they can go and feel the 'headache' in the Aura. From there, they can move it or just plain get rid of it.
Okay, big self disclosure here. I know what it is like to feel crazy, I’m sure a lot of people do. These days when I am visited by craziness, I can feel it approaching, and dissolve it in my mind before it grows and overtakes me.

If, as you say, a person can be sensitive to energy, they can feel a headache, or stress elsewhere in their body, approaching, and dissolve it, or move it out of their way. It takes a keen sensitivity to our own state of being.

I can also relate to what GlitterRose has said. It is not so much all of the things that we have tried as it is our ability to settle into those things and have them be of use to us. Some people find meditation and inner peace boring. It is and acquired taste. When I used to do drug and alcohol counseling, I’d ask patients how come they did not get into treatment sooner, and most of the time they would reply, “I had not reached my bottom yet.” It is said “when the student is ready the teacher will appear.” The search for what works for us, as and individual, may be long with many twists and turns.
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