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Old 24-01-2021, 04:36 PM
angel-of-light angel-of-light is offline
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i am just a student myself

I am just a student myself but allow me to share what I know and experience. You feel energy vibration in numbers of ways first the feeling of your own if they are lifted and high good mood like you can do anything when they are low vibration you feel heavy mentally, and weak another way is static feeling, second, there is a sight either by an aura or floating orbs they are like tiny balls and many shapes in many colors the more bright the color spectrum, the higher vibration but you should read more about colors meaning to get a precise answer as there are bold colors like red that symbolize fire and love, same goes for the aura, now there are the temperatures but not physical temperatures how you distinguish between physical and energetic temperatures? If it's a cold climate, you dress well. You heat your house or the surrounding if it's still cold despite the temperature at the room being balanced that energetic temperatures at low vibration or maybe a presence, although from my experience, when there is a negative presence that low temperatures feel more like chills for few moments and not just low temperatures and again that depends on the presence type a positive presence instead chills of cold give heatwaves and pleasant feelings, another way to test surrounding energy reading is using a pendulum read at online or at youtube how to use it that very helpful not just for energy reading pendulum has many uses, I hope that helped, there are more ways of course, but those are the first I started to use therefore I want to share it with you as they used to be my first methods, with training over time you will discover more ways I can grantee that to you, sharpening the intuition put at least 1-3 hours a day, and you will get there.
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