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Old 17-01-2021, 07:11 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,840
Its much harder when you have small kids to care for. Fortunately my son is and adult with his own family. But I too am experiencing pain on a daily basis. Severe arthritis in my hips, and excruciating back pain, left over from a covid infection. Walking short distances slowly with a cane these days. Its’ been close to a month now since the ravaging of my body. I have lost track of time, sleeping with heating pads, drinking lots of ant-inflammatory teas, like Turmeric tea, etc., using electric massages, and doing other stuff to keep the pain at bay. There have been times over the past month where I welcomed death, and not having small kids to raise, I have questioned why am I still here. Pain can do some incredible things to us, on top of the pandemic quarantine, etc. It is very important for me, especially now, to be aware of my mental and emotional location. May your trials bring you strength of faith for future journeys.
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