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Old 23-12-2020, 12:14 PM
SpiritualFreedom SpiritualFreedom is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 375
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Religion = Depression

I don't know about you guys, but If I start to follow some religion, philosophy, guru or whatever.

I slowly start to feel disempowered, blocked, limited and depressed.

My intellect and emotions start to go against my own well being, and my own success.

I endup destroyed mentally.

But when I start to grow my intellect in order to persue new big goals and achievements in my life, specially around making more money, I start to get extremelly excited and my life success goes up in all directions: health, mind, spirit, relationships, family and finances.

Religion is depression and destruction to myself.

I tried to humble myself into greater religion forces or ideas, and it ends up me getting depressed and totally unhappy!

What really gets me excited is to grow my intelligence in order to make more money in my businesses, getting bigger muscles at the gym, becoming more smarter by reading new books constantly, improving my business systems and maths, doing out of body experiences at 4am in order to know the secrets of my own self, providing better stuff to my parents and girlfriend, exploring and meeting new business people, new mentors, etc.

But religion to an external group or institution, that just ruins my whole life energy and excitement to the ground.

What really excites me in life is to grow my intelligence in order to break down big goals, and achieve them one after the another.

That's what makes life really exciting. In and Out of the body.

Is what makes life a fantastic adventure to play!

I am 90% selfish, 10% altruistic.

You have to really know what makes you truly excited in order to live life to the maximum.

If religion doesn't get that job done, screw with it.

Life must be exciting and a game to play for you
Out of Body Explorer
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