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Old 19-12-2020, 10:01 PM
eyesopen2020 eyesopen2020 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 17
Hi, no feelings hurt here. I was married too so I can't judge. Honestly, I happened to check the account the next day and saw that he was back on it(our private one, not his main one) and for whatever reason, I immediately felt better. He didn't message and neither did I, and right now I have no intention to. It made me realize that I was right. I do actually think he is struggling bc before me I'm pretty sure he was a player and that is what he was originally looking for. Both of us, honestly. Thats why he stopped it all those years ago because he "had more feelings for me than he did his wife." But of course he always came back.. They say TF have the same goals, I stayed with my h bc my family being together brought me more joy than he brought me pain. I wouldn't have found out about my h I wasn't chatting with my friend (long story). I think my friend has the same struggle and he too has worked really hard to accomplish what he has to just give it up.. Until someone goes through that they can't understand the internal pain because it is awful for everyone involved (in general). So up until me, it was always just a hook up. I'm different. Maybe his purpose for meeting me was to make him realize that he needs to cut out what he's doing and be faithful. All I "know" is that he doesn't want me to go away. I was giving him a lot of leniency because honestly I think the first almost 3 years I was the runner. I thought for sure that since i was looking for the physical he'd have no problem but its more than that and honestly my ego took a hit and I let my emotions get the best of me. I've have my own house to get in order so I'm just going to see how it plays out. I am still curious about it being an actual twin flame thing though but I guess things are always what you make it. Thank you for the feedback, if I do actually talk to him again I will make it well known that I am not about to be there for whenever he feels the need. Sorry but no....Im not about that.
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