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Old 17-12-2020, 06:00 PM
Posts: n/a
sometimes i wonder what life would be like if humans were not "expected" to be monogamous for life, which only works out like 50% of the time in marriages, if we could have as many relationship as we wanted in any ways we wanted, but then human's are possessive and have jealousy, we get emotionally hurt easily, we are also dependent on each other in big and small ways, we build lives together which include financial and emotional security

we do incarnate thousands of times, and have many souls we are close to
one life they are a spouse and lover
another a very close friend
another perhaps a grandparent we are close to or our child

we are always trying different roles and relationships with those
in our soul group

but then yes, some we are very close to
like a soulmate or twin flame close

but then what did we set up before we were born?
what lessons did we want to learn or have?

there are more involved than the two

i fully believe those are not coincidences
it shows a deep connection and link

what that means for this lifetime i have no idea
we have free will and choice and make this life what we make it
up to us

in my experience, it seems sometimes we choose to be
linked to other souls we are not so close to
at least for this one life, to learn and grow and serve
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