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Old 10-12-2020, 02:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by sentient
These traditional peoples don't have lactose intolerance issues?


Diabetes is a big problem also. Many elders suffer from it.
At Tribal dinners you can see some traditional foods but there
is a whole lot of processed foods that have sugars and dairy and pasta's.
I don't think I have ever seen pasta rot.
There is something drastically wrong with the American food system.
I think most of our foods don't rot easily. It all seems preserved with
some kind of chemicals.
I get tired of seeing how businesses are trying to kill us with chemicals
all for the dollar.

We have been slowly moving toward more of a paleo diet at home.
Economics always plays a part in food decisions.

We do have a Tribal garden which has tickled me pink, since I so
love garden vegies. Store vegies just don't seem like they taste like food
anymore. GMO I guess.
We enjoy growing stuff at home too.
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