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Old 03-12-2020, 10:49 AM
PsyKeys PsyKeys is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by 1337_d00d
When I say potent manifestator I simply mean that whenever I get a worrysome thought my mind will immediately and automatically envision said outcome and I have to fight and argue with my mind that's it's not going to happen. Rarely does this happen with anything positive. Is this a conditioning and how do you change it?

People are telling you to change the channel on your mind and emotion by actively engaging in positive thoughts. While not bad, not complete. We put thoughts out onto paper, this creates uniformity, its more solid and entrained than the free floating state of mind in action. Stillness of mind requires stillness of body and action (meditation) although not even required if you have a healthy sleep schedule. But if you need real assurance, you have to invest in the insurance of your own physical vessel. Exercising + stretching. A better diet. Less stims like coffee and for sure smoking. If you smoke I really suggest nicotine gum as an alternative. It helped me. Be consistent and dont over do it, have rest days and even cheat meals. cheat meals are like actually enjoying the meal, because we look forward to it. It's not taken for granted., and seek the company of friends. We cant orchestrate our entire lives, and it's hard for us to enforce our own rules and ethics. It's all secretly apparent in the word manifestation. We want it to be given or delivered to us. You know what I'm saying? Everything that can possibly be manifested is already available. Accept for the will to arrange, coordinate and co-create.(doings).
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